Inas Craft

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Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Review Jarum Rajut (Crochet) Waves KnitPro

Review Jarum Rajut (Crochet) Waves KnitPro

Apa kabar teman-teman semua? lama sekali tidak menyapa teman-teman rajut di blog ini.

Di kesempatan kali ini, aku mau review jarum yang mungkin teman-teman pernah lihat sebelumnya di facebook dan instagramku. Yup, jarum itu adalah jarum set “Waves” dari “KnitPro”. Seneng bangeeeet ketika jarum ini akhirnya sampai di rumah. Nggak sabar dong pengen nyobain. Sebelumnya aku pernah baca review tentang jarum ini dari 2 penulis buku rajut luar negri, yaitu Shelley dan Tanya .

Daan dapat yarn cutter jugaa. Nggak perlu nyari gunting lagi deh hehehe,, Yarn cutter ini lapisan luarnya dari plastik, ada hiasan kristal swarovski (info dari websitenya). Aman karena pisaunya ada di dalam terlindung dengan lapisan luarnya.

Kita bahas jarumnya yuuk. Jarumnya terbuat dari aluminium. Untuk casenya, ada 2 warna yang tersedia, yaitu pink dan hijau muda. Kalian tau dong pasti aku suka warna yang mana hehe.. Bahan case-nya sangat kuat. Hmm gimana ya bahasanya? Bukan yang lentur, jadi casenya ini bener-bener kokoh dan ada lapisan plastik biar bisa ngintip jarumnya ada yang hilang kemana atau nggak hihihi..

Isinya ada 9 jarum dengan ukuran dan warna berbeda. Warna-warnanya cantik. Siapa yang suka lupa dengan ukuran jarum untuk karyanya cung! Dengan berbagai warna ini, kita jadi cukup mengingat warna jarum yang kita pakai.

Mungkin minusnya di jarum ini hanya ditulis ukuran jarum dalam bentuk mm (mili meter). Sedangkan sepertinya di Indonesia para perajut sudah terbiasa menggunakan penomoran jarum dari Jepang. Tapi dengan berjalannya waktu, insyaAllah akan terbiasa dan ingat dengan ukuran jarum-jarumnya. Bisa juga jika teman-teman mau, ditempel stiker untuk menomori masing-masing jarumnya.

Pegangan jarumnya sangat kokok dan keras. Datar tanpa ada tonjolan di bagian atasnya.

Bagaimana ketika dipakai? 

Aku excited pas coba. Tapiii..

Ternyata aku agak mengalami hambatan, saat keluarin benang dengan jarum terkadang nyangkut.

Bingung pasti. Karena aku sudah baca review-review tentang nyamannya jarum ini dipakai. 

Akhirnya aku googling tentang macam-macam jarum. 

Akhirnya ketemu jawabannya!!

Baru tau kalau ternyata bentuk jarum bisa berbeda antara satu pabrik dengan yang lain.

Jadi, ternyata karena sepertinya aku sudah terbiasa ngerajut dengan merek yang ku punya sebelumnya (entah apa aku sudah cocok dibilang punya “jam terbang tinggi” /belum ya), aku jadi agak kesusahan ngerajut dengan jarum waves ini. Padahal bentuknya beda duikit bangeeett di bagian kaitnya, tapi memang dampaknya lumayan juga. Semoga kalau ada waktu akan ku bahas tentang macam-macam jarum rajut ya.

Akupun tetap coba ngerajut dengan jarum waves KnitPro, alhamdulillah lama-lama tanganku mulai terbiasa dengan jarum ini, frekuensi nyangkut berkurang. Dan jadilah macam” warna amigurumi hati yang kurajut dengan jarum waves KnitPro.

Jadi untuk teman-teman yang mau coba pindah dari jarum tanpa gagang ke yang ada gagangnya ataupun yang baru mulai ngerajut dan lagi cari-cari jarum, mungkin bisa coba jarum waves-nya KnitPro ini mumpung masih fase adaptasi. Siapa tau cocok :) Walaupun mungkin aku belum terbiasa dengan jarum ini, jujur aku suka dengan warna-warnanya, terang dan cantiiik banget. Instagramable juga (baca: bagus buat foto-foto) wkwkwk.

Untuk tambahan referensi, bisa juga baca review tentang jarum KnitPro ini di blog Spin Cushions dan Little Things Blogged

Kabar baiknya, teman-teman bisa dapatkan jarum KnitPro ini di toko Aneka Benang di Shopee! Yay!!

• Untuk jarum waves 1 set ini, bisa kunjungi link ini (klik)

• Bisa juga coba yang satuan, bisa kunjungi link ini (klik)

KnitPro ini sebenarnya lebih banyak produk jarum knittingnya. Aku belum pernah coba sih, tapi desain-desainnya bagus, semoga aja suatu saat bisa nyobain jarum knittingnya. Kalian juga bisa intip jarum knittingnya dan juga aksesoris rajut lainnya di toko Aneka Benang di Shopee (klik di sini).

Terima kasih teman-teman. Semoga review jarum KnitPro ini bermanfaat untuk teman-teman semua 💖

Friday, January 21, 2022

Fruitz Mandala mini Crochet Along (CAL)

Fruitz Mandala mini Crochet Along (CAL)

Hi all!!

Are you ready for next mini -CAL?

This month we will make..... 

Fruitz Mandala 🙌

Who’s waiting for this pattern so loooong????????

So this is the time 💖

To join the CAL, you should buy the pattern on raverly. The price 50% OFF until the CAL ends (from $3 to only $1.5!)

Although this will be a paid pattern for this Crochet Along, you still have a chance to get it for FREE ❤️



Let’s see if you are really a BEST FRIEND of Inas! 💖

  1. Follow me on instagram @inas.craft OR facebook fanpage.
  2. Share my post (instagram/ fanpage) (instagram post, share in story / fanpage post, just share it)
  3. If you’ve finished 3 (or more) projects using Inas’ patterns (not flower please, only big project, it can be mandalas, doilies, big square patterns), share it on instagram/ facebook by take a photo of them in 1 frame, or make 3 photo of them in one grid. May be you’ve made 3 differents projects (example #daisilydoily, #rosamandalacal, and #puffymandala. OR made 3 projects using 1 same pattern (may be you have made 3 daisily doilies) it’s okay too! 💖  
  4. Tag me in your post
  5. Also write that you ready for the next #FruitzMandala mini-CAL (use #FruitzMandala hashtag)
  6. Tag your 3 friends to join this mini-CAL in your post too.
  7. If you have done all those step, please kindly send me a message with your ravelry name/ email.

Example of the post you can make:

You have 6 days from today until 26th January 2022 to upload it and I will pick....... um....

oh NO I’m not picking!! If you do all those step, I’ll give the pattern to you, ALL OF YOU FOR FREE!!! ❤️❤️❤️ so make sure you do step 7 so you can get the pattern for free.

**I may get LOTs of message because of this so if you have done those step and I haven’t send you the link, please don’t hesitate to send me a message again, please**

If you haven’t made any project, you can join the giveaway too (click here)

About the CAL (Crochet Along):

Welcome to my mini Crochet Along!!

I hope you will love and enjoy our four-days crochet journey.

What exactly is mini-CAL?

Crochet Along (CAL) is when we crochet a project together in same time. It’s called “mini” CAL because this is a small project. 

When does the mini-CAL start?

It will start in 27th-30th January, 2022.

How to get the pattern:

When the pattern is updated you will be notified via ravelry inbox and email each day. You have to update it and you can download it.

You can read my blog post how to download an updated pattern (click here).

If you still have a problem updating it, please contact me via instagram or email me at 

The pattern will be shared in private Telegram Channel too. You will get the channel’s ink in the pattern information after you get the pattern’s information from ravelry. 

What yarn/colors should I use?

Because this is not a wearable project, you can use any yarn and suitable hook.

Feel free to use your imagination with this design. As you can see, there are four fruits in this mandala: orange 🍊, strawberry 🍓, lemon 🍋, and kiwi 🥝. But this design can also be used to make another fruits. (Click for insipration)

Share your project with us 

Instagram - don't forget to use hashtag #FruitzMandala so we can meet there and feel free to tag me @inas.craft 

Ravelry - You can also add this project to Ravelry queue.

International Group - join “Inas Craft and Friends” on facebook and feel free to share your makes with us there.

About The Pattern: 

Skill Level



Suggested Yarn: Yarn And Colors Must Have (100% Cotton, 125 m (137 yds) per 50 g (1.75 oz))


Yarn A: White 

Yarn B: Orange 

Yarn C: Dark Green 

Yarn D: Red 

Yarn E: Yellow 

Yarn F: Green 


3 mm


6 rounds = 8 cm

Finished Size

 Approximately 25 cm

Other Supplies

Place marker

Blocking equipment

Special Thanks

Thank you very much for all my team: 


Humeiyra, Masako Kawahara, Tayu Purnamasari, Tejesvinee, Nidhi Chaudhari Malik, and Jen.

Chart Maker:

Masako Kawahara


Aparna Upadhye


Thursday, January 20, 2022

How to Update a Pattern in Ravelry

How to Update a Pattern in Ravelry

When you purchased a pattern in Ravelry, the designer may update it at any time, perhaps by adding a new translated version or correcting certain mistakes. This is why I enjoy Raverly so much as designer. We can edit an existing pattern or create a crochet along so the updated pattern for each day/ week may be downloaded from ravelry.

So when a designer made a change in purchased pattern, usually you will

be notified through Ravelry inbox/email.


1. If you notified through email, the email is from Ravelry.

2. There will be a explanation from designer what change he/she does and scroll down, there will be a link you have to click. Just click it to download it. 

And finish!!


1. Click inbox (the envelope icon)

2. There will be a message “(designer) has sent you a pattern update for (pattern name)”. Click it. 

3. There will be a explanation from designer what change he/she does. scroll down, in the bottom there will be a link you have to click. Just click it to download it. 

I hope it helps!

And happy crocheting!


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Lily Flower (Free Crochet Pattern)

Lily Flower (Free Crochet Pattern)

Hi all!

Finally after long time, I designed a flower for #365daysofcrochetflower.

Lily Flower

Designed by: Inas Fadil Basymeleh

Special Stitch:

Picot: ch 3, sl st through front loop and vertical loop of last st made.


Round 1: {yarn A} in a Magic Ring, ch 3 (counts as 1st dc now and through out), 11 dc, slst in 3rd ch of beg ch 3. Fasten off.

—12 dc

Round 2: {Join yarn B with slst in any st} ch 3, dc in same st, [2 dc in next st] 11 times, slst in 3rd ch of beg ch 3. 

—24 dc

Round 3: ch 1 (does not count as a st) 5 FPdc around same st, (2 dc, picot, 2 dc) in next st, [5 FPdc around next st, (2 dc, picot, 2 dc) in next st] 11 times, slst in 1st FPdc. Fasten off.

—60 FPdc, 24 dc, 12 picot

Weave in all yarn ends and done.

Thank you for creating with Inas Craft Pattern! Don’t forget to share your WIP and finished project using hashtag #LilyFlower and tag me @inas.craft on instagram. Also we will happy to see your makes on facebook group too don’t forget to follow me on instagram to get new discount information (or giveaways!!) for every new released pattern Happy crocheting!! 

Get another patterns on LoveCrafts or Ravelry.


• Ravelry :

• Save in Pinterest :

• Save in Instagram :

• Save in Facebook :

• Join Telegram Channel : 

• Join Facebook Group :